Climate change represents one of the greatest threats facing the planet. However, teaching climate change poses challenges to teachers, who have to understand and constantly update complex interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and to communicate it to the next generations.

GREEEN – Green Environment Education European Network will promote the exchange and transfer of existent innovative approaches for dealing with climate change and the joint development of new European science education solutions. The project will bring together various stakeholders, contributing to an interchange, cooperation and mobility between science education, guidance and training systems in Europe, to strength linkages between science work, science education and careers guidance, and to make science education more creative, attractive and innovative.

Key objectives:

  • integrate climate change related topics sustainably into (science) education in schools;
  • promote teacher training on climate change education: basic concepts, trends and issues, educational implications of teaching about climate change etc.;
  • foster the European exchange and transfer of experiences and good practices on climate change education among education institutes, teacher trainers, teachers, practitioners, NGOs and young people;
  • identify learning materials, good practices and teaching and learning strategies on climate change education and enhance their dissemination through the GREEEN platform and other means;
  • increase the production of and access to information and innovative solutions for science educationon climate change and sustainable development;
  • promote closer linkages between science education and science working market emergent trends and opportunities.