The ESSS project was launched its working on November 2022 and aims to create training material for social scientists who are interested in being involved in social enterprises.
ESSS project aims to:
1) evaluate and assess the needs of social scientists around Social Economy,
2) develop innovative tools that can support active citizenship in lifelong learning,
3) communicate to the participants the principles of Social Economy and the fulfilment of local needs,
4) transfer to them social and entrepreneurial competences and critical thinking,
5) train them on how to become social entrepreneurs, and finally
6) empower them to enter in the labour market. Who we are… The project involves both universities and professionals from the social sciences sphere, in order to train and empower them on all necessary entrepreneurial skills.
What will we do? We will produce:
1) production of training material and training workshops,
2) train social scientists acquiring new skills, knowledge and competences around social entrepreneurship
Our activities will be:
• Needs Assessment and Training Material
• Training and Curriculum Design
• Develop the Training Materials
• Train the Trainers + Training to Social
• Scientists + Mentoring sessions (virtual).
The project research has just finished! During the first months of 2023 a survey ran by the ESSS project. The study referred to professionals in social sciences based in Cyprus, Lithuania, Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were requesting from professionals in these countries to participate in the research by completing a questionnaire, in order to determine the extent to which professionals in social sciences have the appropriate skills and knowledge around Social Enterprises. The survey outcomes will enable researchers to design training material that can equip professional with necessary skills to set up and/or work for a social enterprise. The questionnaire was offered in three languages: Greek, Lithuanian and Serbian. Data collection completed in April 2023, while the National Reports and a Pan-European Report are expected in two months’ time!