Our project is carried out under the coordination of Denizli Atatürk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. The basis of our project is based on our eTwinning project called “Coding Digital Education Games”, which we made in 2019 with the aim of facilitating the learning of Mathematics and Science courses. This project was awarded the European Quality label by signing a huge success and was invited to 10.Ulusal Conference by the eTwinning National Support Service because of enter between 200 best projects of the year in Turkey. Thanks to this project, we had many shares with our partners, where we learned our weaknesses and strengths. We have decided to present our project as a transnational project in order to develop this successful project we have realized from the eTwinning platform, to share good practice examples and successful works, and to expand Digital Education Games, one of the educational methods of the future. Three of the partners of our Erasmus + project are Atatürk MTAL, who is also a partner of our eTwinning project, Portugal Escola Secundária and Turgutlu Zübeyde Hanım MTAL. Other partners of our project are Italy E. Mattei and Poland ZESPOL SZKOL schools. The main requirement for the establishment of this partnership is that the success percentage of these schools in Mathematics and Science classes is not at the desired level. In this context, in line with the strategic plan targets of the partner schools, enriching learning environments, increasing the average of success of Mathematics and Science courses from about 16% to 25%, increasing the use of technology in education and expanding them are our main goals. In addition, it is our common goal raising individuals who can produce solutions to a problem through engineering design, associate science and mathematics with their daily lives, have a good knowledge of foreign languages, care about European citizenship, and culturally rich.
During our project, our students designed digital educational games with the Construct 3 program. Our students, with mixed teams from different countries, designed mobile and web games for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses. In this way, our students’ digital and coding skills have improved and it has become easier for them to learn these courses.