The globalisation, the high degree of interconnectivity and new technological advances have forced many SMEs to reinvent not only their products and services, but also their business and organisational models, in view of staying competitive in a fast-paced economy. Since the majority of European SMEs are involved in global value chains, constant innovation and efficiency are a must to ensure competitiveness in a global context. The growing specialization of knowledge will increasingly be based on collaborative teams, whose integration requires sophisticated social technologies to produce collective innovation.



The general aim of FLOURISH project is to support the uptake of organisational innovation by SMEs across Europe through the development, piloting and implementation of a holistic innovation coaching methodology using a multilevel approach – individual, group and organizational.

The main goal will be achieved through several specific objectives:

+To create a professional profile of Organisational Innovation Coach for SMEs;

+ To develop a holistic training course and manual for Organisational Innovation Coaches based on the APGICO’S participative innovation model and Creative Problem-Solving protocol;

+ To elaborate an educational video which will serve as refresher training, aimed at recalling and reinforcing previously acquired knowledge and skills;

+To create a solid foundation for ensuring the usability of the course for a wider VET audience;

+ To develop a concise and focused methodological document aimed at supporting VET providers in the process of using the innovative training content;

+ To increase the awareness of EU business and VET community about the importance of organizational innovation and to create the necessary supporting culture for that;

+ To provide EU SMEs with open educational resources in the field of organizational innovation.



+ SMEs top and middle managers and employees

+ Management and innovation consultants

+ Training companies and VET providers

+ People responsible for innovation or HR management

+ Business-related young graduates



+ Organisational Innovation Coach for SME – Professional Profile

A concise description of the general scope, key responsibilities, skills, competencies, knowledge, education and training typically required for the occupation of Organisational Innovation Coach for SME.

+ FLOURISH Curriculum, Course and Manual for learners

The FLOURISH Course will provide a learning opportunity, tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized companies. The course will be framed within a creative process, enabling participants to learn by doing, while using a new social technology and creating new outputs, in terms of anticipating the consequences of possible projects.

+ FLOURISH Educational Video

The FLOURISH video will serve the purpose of refresher training, aimed at recalling and reinforcing previously acquired knowledge and skills. It is designed as a self-oriented and distance learning tool.

+ FLOURISH Guide for VET providers

The Guide is a concise and focused methodological document aimed at supporting VET providers in the process of using the FLOURISH training content.

Following the FLOURISH methodology SMEs will be able to introduce new forms of work organisation, ensure stronger employee participation in innovation processes, advance the managerial techniques and draw lessons to build on in their continuous improvement.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.