Izmir Governorship

Izmir Governorship is one of the 81 provincial Governorships of Turkey and Izmir is the third biggest city of the Country with 4.3 million populations. Izmir Governorship is a local public authority that coordinates all governmental services, such as education, health, security, environment, public works, culture, tourism, etc. in the province and fulfills its responsibilities through its different sub-units (Bureaus and Directorates).

Izmir Governorship involves EU related works through its sub-unit EU and Foreign Relations   Bureau and it took parts over 40 EU and local funded project after The Bureau’s foundation at 2007. The Governorship aims raise awareness on the EU accession period of Turkey and support the implementation of European policy agenda for promote equity, inclusion of disadvantages, growth jobs and improve the quality education at local level through its EU works. With this regard it develops and participates multilateral EU projects especially for Erasmus+ Programme in the field of education, culture, social inclusion of disadvantaged and other social subjects. Governorship plays active role in preparing research outputs for public, developing and implementing of innovative training methods, organizing trainings for trainers and individuals. The Governorship participating the EU Projects through 4 experts from its EU and Foreign Relations Bureau and public officers from different fields. The Governorship participated projects, mainly intended for disabilities, immigrants and refugees, people faced with early school leaving, ex-offenders and with the effect of its past experiences, Governorship working closely with many public body, NGO, educational institutions (schools, adult education providers, universities) not only from local, from across the country and the EU.

Besides project and training works, The Governorship also provides free guidance, counselling services for public body’s and NGO’s regarding EU grant programs. The aim of the Governorship is to increase the number and quality of the EU projects developed in Izmir, to share experiences and information in Izmir and other EU member countries.