The project B-SAFE focuses on web security and personal data protection/GDPR. The main objective of the project is to create an online knowledge platform on web security and personal data protection/GDPR. These qualifications will improve the employment opportunities of the training participants, as they will not only gain professional skills, but also acquire legal know-how in legally sensitive areas (e.g. data protection, contract drafting, INDUSTRY 4.0).

The project has a duration of two years, started in 2018 and will be completed in 2020. The project consortium, consisting of 4 countries (Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain and Austria) worked on the following project results:

  • -a detailed report on the current state of web security in the partner countries, as well as the protection of personal data and legal aspects of internet security
  • The creation of a B-SAFE curriculum on the structure of which equally suitable learning materials are created
  • An online platform will serve as a digital open library for the education of the target group in B-SAFE. With this functionality we will train both students and teachers


To get more information you can visit the project homepage: https://www.project-bsafe.eu/