Career Paths Inclusive is about career guidance for deaf youth. We are developing different educational materials:
Toolkit for deaf youth:
- Interest profile with 44 questions in Sign Language. The tool generates three suggested fields of work that best suit your answers.
- Job orientation videos in Sign Language with subtitles and accompanying texts in plain language in which deaf role models explain their jobs.
- Tutorial videos in Sign Language with animation, subtitles and accompanying plain language about different steps in the application process.
Teaching materials for trainers and project managers:
- Training materials adapted to the needs of deaf learners and trainers: The materials are designed around our tutorial videos, enabling in depth use of the contents in training or counselling settings.
- Evaluation and guidelines on the production of tutorial videos in Sign Language
The first Career Paths Inclusive project was implemented from 2019 to 2021 with 4 project partners from Austria, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Together, we developed the toolkit (interest profile and 45 job orientation videos) in Austrian, German, Czech and Slovak Sign Languages.
Career Paths Inclusive 2 started in March 2022 with 5 project partners from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovakia. We intend to add to the existing toolkit in Italian and Dutch Sign Languages, as well as filming 40 new job orientation videos in Austrian, Slovak, Italian and Dutch Sign Languages. New contents will be developed, too: tutorial videos, training materials, evaluation and guidelines.