The main aim of the project to set up a network of organizations that will promote and facilitate social inclusion and strengthen awareness and local ownership in their communities. The network will design, plan, and organize local CLOSER campaign. The campaign will include public events to connect people and support inclusion of all cultures, age groups, nationalities and the disadvantaged. The project will also develop managerial capacity and knowledge of the partner organizations´ staff in working with disadvantaged young people, fundraising, campaigning, public relations, negotiating, marketing, event organizing, etc.

The overall objective of the project:
1. To raise quality of youth work in social inclusion and strengthen capacities of youth workers for active combating social exclusion by respecting values and principles of European youth work for inclusion
2. To contribute to building a more inclusive society and raising awareness of social inclusion in young people and broad public,

Specific objectives of the project are:

  • To explore the needs of youth workers with socially excluded groups in order to better reflect their training needs,
  • To empower youth workers in the area of social inclusion and work with disadvantaged groups,
  • To improve the management capacity of partner organizations in fundraising, campaigning, public relations, negotiating, marketing, event organizing; to exchange experience, lessons learned, and good practices;
  • To create an online platform as a reference tool of materials, documents, projects, trainings on social inclusion,
  • To create common identity and tools (leaflets, information materials) of the campaign to be used by all partners,
  • To plan and implement the Week of Social Inclusion campaign in all partner countries, while involving local communities and especially young people to be more inclusive and solidary with people of different origin, belief, age, those disadvantaged (socially, economically) and disabled.