The Erasmus+ project ELEVATE – Levering potentials against shortage of skilled workforce of SMEs in Europe pursues the development of innovative approaches and tools for SMEs to identify their individual potentials and to tackle the dramatic problem of shortage of skilled workforce. The European Commission estimates that the lack of skilled workers could result in a loss of up to 1.5% of GDP by 2025, with the potential to reach 4% by 2030. In front of this immediate and powerful action is needed.

On the basis of an investigative research in the early stages of the project, the international partnership develops a comprehensive online potential scanner as well as a strategy workshop concept for SMEs that focus on four distinct action levels: full time employment for women, employment for older workers close to or even after retirement, levering potentials of diversity and migration, and upskilling the low and unskilled.

The ELEVATE project addresses company owners and department heads of SMEs in Europe, managers of smaller organisations/NGOs, HR professionals, labour market experts, VET experts, business consultants, policy makers in VET and business, and social partner representatives. Read more…