Low-skilled adults have a major share on unemployment rates. A very significant number of European citizens lack key competences: around one quarter of the total adult population have low knowledge on reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills, enhancing their risk of unemployment and social exclusion and, consequently, poverty. In an attempt to address these issues, the priorities set by the European Financial Literacy Game for Adults’ Citizens (Euroinvestment) project include:
- Developing of relevant and high-quality skills and competences
- Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults
- Extending and developing educators’ competences
Euroinvestment project aims at designing, testing and providing a game specifically tailored and addressed to low qualified adults, fostering their knowledge and competences in key competences of financial literacy such as: compound interest and risk diversification, exploration of vulnerability and influence in the credit, savings and investments, among others.
The main activities of Euroinvestment project consist of:
- Strategic plan for financial education of low-skilled adults in Europe – report on the gaps and needs on financial education for low-skilled adults in the consortium countries, based on the European and National Frameworks developed within this theme;
- Euroinvestment model game – fun, interactive and didactic game that will respond to the needs and gaps identified, as well as an online platform to host the game and the project’s main results and achievements;
- Euroinvestment – Playing by the rules – handbook to enable the independent use of the game by low-skilled adults and training providers, as well as to deliver deeper theoretical information on the topics and themes presented in the game.