The “Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset in Migrants through Education” (FEMME) project meets the challenge of enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit and education and related hard/soft skills in first and second-generation female youth migrants. It also targets youth workers from partners interested in acquiring instruments of entrepreneurial support to young female migrants.
European societies are also at the center of migration and refugee flows dynamics as well as of the related challenge of integrating vast masses of refugees, many of whom are women. The Action Plan also aims to orient the evolution of European societies in a multicultural perspective, pointing out that migrants represent a valuable component in the ongoing evolution, due to their higher rates of business creation compared with nationals. Despite this, they also fail more due to a lack of information, knowledge, and language skills. The project addresses the challenges identified above by means of providing young female migrants in possession of entrepreneurial motivation with the attitudes and skills needed to start-up and grow their own start-ups.
Intellectual Outputs
IO1: Research for the identification of the training needs of female youth migrant entrepreneurs and their connection with the existing educational offer carried out by a combination of desk research and surveying
IO2: The creation of a guide as a tool of concrete orientation in the establishment and development of a business for young female migrant entrepreneurs, integrating methodologies of self-learning, supporting them in giving shape to and developing their entrepreneurial ideas
IO3: A Toolkit for trainers, that will integrate guidelines and methods of NFE tailored to the needs of youth workers willing to implement educational programs to empower prospective female migrant entrepreneurs
IO4: The Partners will produce a specific Web Platform with integrated e-learning modules in multiple languages. The modules will provide the target with helpful information and exercises supporting them in designing and developing their entrepreneurial ideas.