HU-VOLUTION aims to bring European universities up to date for up/reskilling designers of the habitat sector with the necessary competences to initiate a successful transition for the New European Bauhaus and the Society 5.0, towards a more sustainable, aesthetic, and inclusive places.
HU-VOLUTION will develop an innovative lifelong training on HE, with twofold objectives: promote the use of digital tools in high education, and boost green skills aligned with the New Bauhaus on habitat design.
Distributed in 4 work packages, HU-VOLUTION entails project management (WP1), implementation, and promotion activities, ensuring the achievement of the project objective. Key activities are:
WP2: skills mapping, knowledge exchange, defining learning outcomes, stakeholders´ survey, designing a Joint Curriculum
WP3: develop training materials, exercises, and micro-credential, seminars
WP4: develop a virtual environment, workshops and study group, a training test experience, draft a guide, do a webinar
The key tangible results of the HU-VOLUTION project are:
1. A competency map and Joint Curriculum for the NEB and Society 5.0 readiness on habitat design.
2. Training resources and innovative digital practical exercises
3. HU-VOLUTION e-training platform where future students will do the proposed training and get a micro-credential.
4. A guide for the implementation of HU-VOLUTION results by HE organisations, based on a training test experience carried out in the framework of the project.