The COVID19 pandemic affects us all, but for some people it has a lasting impact on their mental health. The disruption of mental health services across the EU also exacerbates this situation. Our project therefore aims to overcome possible barriers in online services in a centre-centred way.
Due to the new requirements of online services, professionals are faced with new challenges and tasks for which they have usually received only minimal training. To deliver high quality, value-added work remotely, mental health professionals need digital platforms adapted to their needs, support in redesigning meetings, and consistent guidelines and protocols for supporting their clients.
REMCO has therefore set itself the goal of meeting these needs and supporting professionals in offering online counselling in order to make their services more accessible. For this purpose, the following will be developed in the project:
Evidence based learning outcomes for online, remote mental health counselling
Statements of what trainees/learners should know, understand, and be able to do upon the successful completion of the REMCO training programme.
Joint curriculum and Open Educational Resources on remote mental health counselling
A vocational curriculum that can be used by VET providers and mental health institutions to provide continuous training opportunities for mental health workers in remote counselling. This results includes a pool of pedagogival resources, including a train-the trainer handbook, educational instructions and learning materials.
- Massive Open Online Course On Remote Mental Health Counselling
Toolkit for effective Remote Counselling
The toolkit includes:
– a set of self-assessment tools for mental workers’ readiness towards providing online counselling services,an e-book that summarises and presents briefly the main subjects addressed by the REMCO curriculum
– a best practise guide covering both technological and organizationals aspects of remote services provision and
– a guiding protocol including guidelines and checklists facilitating practices and processes of remote services provision.